Tales from the movie theater
Scott Spoils A Movie
Scott says WEEEED
Scott pushes JuRY’s buttons
Scott tells an airplane bathroom story
Brian travel story
Brian's cat causes issues
Barf Sound Clip
Van Update
Scott Does Geography
gknee says start the show
Scott can't find the sound clip
Zee Germans
Scott being a germaphobe
Scott references "Waterworld"
Scott's "recipes"
Kitty sighting
Stranger shouts some random thing at Scott
Brian Impression
Scott looks up if someone is dead
I won't forget the song!
No one can remember that celebrity's name
How to play: Keep track by clicking on a square.
Click one by accident? Just click again.
Don't like you're squares? Refresh the page.
But don't refresh if you like them or they are gone forever!
Submit your own squares! Go nuts!